The Ontario Provincial Government

By Martin Rumack

April 26, 2016

What did we do by re-electing the Liberals as the governing party?  Are we gluttons for punishment? Do we enjoy being ripped off by our government?

Though seemingly the best of the alternative choices, it is turning out to be a major mistake.  We are now paying the real price for the gas plant fiasco created by our erstwhile former Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty, who is currently acting as lobbyist for businesses, attempting to obtain business or other benefits or favourable rulings from the Liberal government.

It appears that our Premier Kathleen Wynne and her merry band of money abusers have been “diddling” with the taxpayer’s money in negotiating and bargaining with the Teacher’s Unions.  Why did it take the government so long to threaten to legislate the teachers back to work?  The students have been hurt by the teacher’s work-to-rule activities – not only in terms of the lack of extra-curricular activities, but more importantly after school help, the lack of providing report cards, the lack of parent-teacher meetings, … the list goes on.  Of course many teachers do not fit this profile; in fact.  some of my clients who are teachers have shared with me their total abhorrence with what was taking place; however, if they did not follow orders they would be ostracized or even worse!

Premier Wynne’s proposal to create an Ontario Pension Plan is nothing more than a tax grab which will most likely result in some employers not hiring additional employees, and/or having to lay off employees because of this unnecessary new tax burden!

The decision to sell off a significant portion of Hydro One has also been criticized by some economists as a short-term gain resulting in long-term pain.  This sell-off within the short term makes the Liberal government’s financial picture appear healthier than it really is.  The Provincial Auditor General has now released her scathing report about how Ontarians have been “ripped off” in terms of the excessive charges we have been paying for Hydro.  Again this has happened with the acquiescence and knowledge of the Provincial Liberals.

It is unfortunate that we do not have a recall mechanism in Ontario and in Canada.  What has our Premier done to benefit the citizens of our Province?

The Liberal governments of Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne have really accomplished little to stem the outflow of jobs from our automobile manufacturing sector as well as many other manufacturing sectors.  Why have they not been creative in introducing various incentives to keep existing businesses in Ontario, and to attract new businesses to Ontario?

To be fair the automotive union members have to be prepared to “bite the bullet” as well, in order to maintain their jobs by working with the automobile manufacturers.  While that may not be equitable, it is the way of the world today!  Union members in general must be prepared to recognize changes in business models – it is a fact of life.  After all the world is truly a Global Village and we must be competitive with many other competitors throughout the world.

The Province has earned significant dollars through the Provincial Land Transfer Tax which has been a cash cow over the years.  The current rates of tax were brought into effect by the Provincial NDP government of Bob Rae in or about 1991.  Given the dramatic increase in house prices over the past 25 years I believe the Province should in fact be reducing the tax percentage charged on real estate property transfers.

Write, fax, email, phone your M.P.P.’s, the Premier, the Leader of the Opposition and the leader of the other parties raising the issue.  You may want to start your own petition.

What did we do by re-electing the Liberals as the governing party?  Are we gluttons for punishment? Do we enjoy being ripped off by our government?

Though seemingly the best of the alternative choices, it is turning out to be a major mistake.  We are now paying the real price for the gas plant fiasco created by our erstwhile former Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty, who is currently acting as lobbyist for businesses, attempting to obtain business or other benefits or favourable rulings from the Liberal government.

It appears that our Premier Kathleen Wynne and her merry band of money abusers have been “diddling” with the taxpayer’s money in negotiating and bargaining with the Teacher’s Unions.  Why did it take the government so long to threaten to legislate the teachers back to work?  The students have been hurt by the teacher’s work-to-rule activities – not only in terms of the lack of extra-curricular activities, but more importantly after school help, the lack of providing report cards, the lack of parent-teacher meetings, … the list goes on.  Of course many teachers do not fit this profile; in fact.  some of my clients who are teachers have shared with me their total abhorrence with what was taking place; however, if they did not follow orders they would be ostracized or even worse!

Premier Wynne’s proposal to create an Ontario Pension Plan is nothing more than a tax grab which will most likely result in some employers not hiring additional employees, and/or having to lay off employees because of this unnecessary new tax burden!

The decision to sell off a significant portion of Hydro One has also been criticized by some economists as a short-term gain resulting in long-term pain.  This sell-off within the short term makes the Liberal government’s financial picture appear healthier than it really is.  The Provincial Auditor General has now released her scathing report about how Ontarians have been “ripped off” in terms of the excessive charges we have been paying for Hydro.  Again this has happened with the acquiescence and knowledge of the Provincial Liberals.

It is unfortunate that we do not have a recall mechanism in Ontario and in Canada.  What has our Premier done to benefit the citizens of our Province?

The Liberal governments of Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne have really accomplished little to stem the outflow of jobs from our automobile manufacturing sector as well as many other manufacturing sectors.  Why have they not been creative in introducing various incentives to keep existing businesses in Ontario, and to attract new businesses to Ontario?

To be fair the automotive union members have to be prepared to “bite the bullet” as well, in order to maintain their jobs by working with the automobile manufacturers.  While that may not be equitable, it is the way of the world today!  Union members in general must be prepared to recognize changes in business models – it is a fact of life.  After all the world is truly a Global Village and we must be competitive with many other competitors throughout the world.

The Province has earned significant dollars through the Provincial Land Transfer Tax which has been a cash cow over the years.  The current rates of tax were brought into effect by the Provincial NDP government of Bob Rae in or about 1991.  Given the dramatic increase in house prices over the past 25 years I believe the Province should in fact be reducing the tax percentage charged on real estate property transfers.

Write, fax, email, phone your M.P.P.’s, the Premier, the Leader of the Opposition and the leader of the other parties raising the issue.  You may want to start your own petition.

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