Ontario: The Trillium – The Kathleen Wynne Story

By Martin Rumack

March 27, 2018

Education, Kathleen Wynne, Ministry of Education, Ontario, The Trillium

Another “honourable” leader we Ontarians have elected continues on her own trail of actions and activities, which most individuals agree does not serve the best interests of the people of the Province. The low points so far include the gas plant project fiasco, the lack of sufficient funding for hospitals and health care, and an upcoming huge increase in our hydro bills. Why are qualified Ontario students being forced to go out of the country for medical school, when students from outside Canada are being accepted here, only to leave the country once their studies are complete, to practice elsewhere?

We do not have enough doctors in Ontario. Something is wrong with this picture! Why is the Province allowing new law schools to open in the province where for a number of years there has been a shortage of opportunities for law students to obtain positions so they can fulfill their requirements to work in a law firm to gain practical experience.

We have recently seen the results of the prolonged strike of Community College professors and teaching staff which resulted in approximately 10 percent of student withdrawing from school. Where was the Minister of Education?

I think the Province, in particular the Ministry of Education, must take a more proactive stance in addressing these and other types of problems in our educational system.

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