The City has a Mayor who is in competition with Justin Trudeau, Kathleen Wynne, and Donald Trump for being one of the most photographed politicians. In many ways he has also become a Mr. Selfie just like Mr. Trudeau. Our mayor seems to be neutral on many matters of importance. He is still focused on whether or not Scarborough requires a subway or Light Rail Transit system. He backs a Police Chief who does not lead but is afraid to confront individuals and groups who break the law. Compare this to the Police Chief of New York City whose Police Department takes action when people break the law or interrupt people carrying out lawful activities. Our Police Chief has emasculated our Toronto Police force — he is afraid of being confrontational when the situation requires it, and is unwilling to enforce the laws of the country. Why are so many members of the Police Force retiring early, or leaving for greener pastures?
We require a Mayor who will instruct and ensure that the Police Chief directs his officers to enforce the laws of the Country, the Province, and the City by-laws. If the Police Chief cannot do his job as required and the Mayor cannot and/or will not direct the Police Chief to fulfill his duties and obligations, they should both be replaced. Look at the increase in amount of reported and unreported crimes in the City of Toronto. Why did the Mayor and Police Chief not insist on keeping the Police in the Schools Program alive? The majority of students in these schools wanted the program to continue.
Why is the Toronto Board of Education not being more proactive in dealing with under-used schools? Again, we need a Mayor who can be forceful and take a proactive stance in connection with this issue. We need a Mayor who has the inner strength to push the City’s interests and needs with the Premier and Prime Minister where required. The Mayor should also pay more attention to the Silent Majority than the Vocal Minority. We have seen the results of this type of behavior in other cities which has resulted in — chaos and social upheaval.
Does our Mayor and Council members not understand that Toronto is a huge metropolitan area which is dependent on commerce and the motor vehicle — not the horse and buggy and bicycles? The move to having more bicycle lanes thereby impeding vehicular traffic; eliminating vehicular traffic on King Street; reducing vehicular space on a significant portion of Bloor Street, is non-sensible. How many people ride bikes in the winter in the City? This is an utterly foolish move by the Mayor — where is the leadership? Again, listen to the Silent Majority. Bicycles are good but from an economic perspective not helpful in transporting goods and people.
Why has the City of Toronto allowed Uber to operate in the City of Toronto? They have destroyed the taxi industry in the City. Why has the City Licensing Commission lessened some of the standards and requirements formerly imposed on the taxi industry – essentially to throw them a bone – rather than rather than impose these same former standards and requirements on Uber. Where does our Mayor stand on this? Does the Mayor have a family member involved with Uber??
We should all consider what qualities and strengths we want and require in the person we vote for Mayor to possess and exhibit when we go into the polling station at the next municipal election!